Well, we pulled up outside his dorm and were swarmed by student volunteers with big, wheeled bins who pretty much took care of all the lugging of belongings from the car to the floor. We found his room and were amazed at how big it was. He was on the second floor and his window looked out on the pond and a little patio. It was absolutely beautiful!
Kyle failed to see the splendor of it all...

We then headed over to Balfour Hood center which is kind of like the Student Union for him to register and pick up various pieces of information. As you can see by the photos, the campus is absoutely stunning. This picture is looking back toward the dining hall on the left. Kyle's dorm is part of that building you can see right of center but his wing is out of site on the right with his window looking out on the pond. Pretty sweet. The next picture is back in front of his dorm looking back this way.
Anyway, after he got registered, we took his computer to the tech department to be scanned and checked for viruses. We dropped it off for pickup the next day. Then, we had a nice lunch in

Kyle and I waited for his roomate to show up since he, being a sophmore and arriving early, didn't have a key. We met Sam - from Seattle and very nice - and then headed over to the bookstore to pickup a few things. After that it was over to Haas Athletic Center for introductions and speaches by the President, the Dean, and various others. All-in-all, it was very good. Deb got back in the middle of this session.
At the end of the session, the students stayed there for more meetings and the parents went to

about parenting through the college years, athletics, academics, and all kinds of things. Again, a really good job by the college to get students and parents acclimated.

The next day, I had to leave on a business trip to Seattle so Deb was left to fend for herself in the half-empty house. Kyle had a French assesment test to take on Sunday so I left him a text message on his phone reminding him and wishing him luck. Later in the day, he sent me a message saying he took the test and thought he did pretty well so that at least was a positive.
I talked to Deb a little later and Kyle had talked to her and said that things were a little better - he'd met a bunch of people and was enjoying getting to know them and all that. He was still very apprehensive about classes and how much work he was getting himself into however.

His first day of classes was on Wednesday - he has three back-to-back on MWF, and one on TTHU. He also had tennis try-outs on Thursday. I talked to him on Thursday - he called - and he said that classes were OK but that he thoroughly enjoyed tennis. It wasn't so much a try-out but more like a practice. Evidently, as long as you can play relatively well, you are on the team - which is not to say that the team is bad. Kyle said that he hit with the #1 player and he (#1) was fantastic. He said that everyone on the team was super nice and made him feel part of the group immediatly.
When we dropped him off on Saturday, he had mentioned that he might come home on the following weekend - to which I said that I didn't think that was such a good idea. When I mentioned this on the phone, he said that he was not planning on coming home afterall. He's still worried about classes but I think he is slowly coming around to the idea that he might be able to survive this thing.
We'll keep you posted.

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