Well I've been working on this for some time and it's finally time to announce my new company - Tranza Software. I've been working on an iPhone application and I thought it would be more professional if it was from a company instead of just me so I decided to give it a go.
OK, so how do you start a company - assemble a team of lawyers? Meet with a Banker? Hire a Marketing firm? Nah - go down to the Town Hall and fill out a form that says I have a business and pay my $20. Done - That was easy!
You may be wondering what Tranza means and the answer is - absolutely nothing. I was trying to think of a name and I wanted something non-specific so it could be flexible enough to cover lots of things (In hindsight, I probably should have left off the "Software" part for even more flexibility...). I got to thinking about car names that sound cool yet mean nothing. There's a new Toyota called a Venza so I morphed it to Trenza. I Googled that to see if it meant anything - the last thing I wanted was my company name to mean "He who eats babies" in Swahili - and found some definitions in Spanish I think. I changed it to Tranza and got no meaningful hits. Then I went to GoDaddy to see if I could get a domain name using it. Incredibly, nobody had used it so I registered it.
I put together a simple logo in Photoshop, bought cheap web hosting and put up the site and I was in business!
Except that I wasn't. Developing the program for the iPhone is one thing - I basically spent two full weeks from morning till morning over Christmas working on it - but getting it published is yet another. Every iPhone app is sold through the Apple App Store and you have to go through a rigorous vetting process to get it on the store. It has to be tested and reviewed by Apple and I have to setup up all kinds of financial information so that I can get paid for the sales. It's taken about a week and a half for all that to get done. I actually didn't know it was on the store until I got an email from someone who asked me some questions about it. I asked him how he even knew about it and he said it was on the store!
He said that he would buy it so I think I just made my first sale! I'll be checking my bank account for that $0.70 (Apple takes 30% of the 99 cent sales price...).
Wish me luck!
1 comment:
Howdy- Gangsta! Okay, when you sell your first million and you're sittin' on 700K, send me some. :-)
I told Angie's speech therapist, who is a total tech geke, about your app and she is going to download it! So you'll be well on your way! Good luck with the company. God bless.
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